Osciloscopio de 4 Canales para Automoción.
60MHz de ancho de banda.
10K-16M de profundidad de memoria.
Contador de frecuencia.
Analizador FFT.
Interfaz USB Plug&Play.
El kit incluye:
Osciloscopio USB 4 canales y 60 Mhz
2 cables BNC a pinzas de cocodrilo
Sonda inductiva 10000:1 para alta tensión (Secundario)
Cable alargador bujias
Atenuador 20:1
Cable alargador BNC a Banana
Set de pinzas de cocodrilo grandes con conector banana
Set de sondas tipo multimetro con conector banana
Set de acupuntura con conectores banana
Cable puente con conector para sensores
Sonda osciloscopio con atenuación 1/10
Pinza amperimetrica 65A
Fuente de alimentación externa
Cable USB
CD con drivers, software y documentación
Maletin de transporte de aluminio
Model |
DSO3064 |
Vertical System | |
Analog Channels | 4 |
Bandwidth | 60MHz(-3dB) |
Rise Time | 5.8ns |
Input Impedance | Resistance: 1MΩ ; Capacitance: 25 pF |
Input Sensitivity | 10mV/div to 5V/div |
Input Coupling | AC/DC/GND |
Vertical Resolution | 8 bits |
Memory Depth | 10K-16M/CH |
Maximum Input | 400V (DC+AC Peak) |
Horizontal System | |
Real-Time Sampling Rate | 200MS/s |
Time Base Range | 5ns/div to 1000s/div(1-2-5 sequences) |
Time Base Precision | ±50ppm |
Trigger System | |
Source | CH1, CH2,CH3,CH4,EXT |
Mode | Edge,Pulse,Viedo,Alternative |
Voltage Measurement | Vpp, Vamp, Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vmid, Vbase, Vavg, Vrms, Vcrms, Preshoot, Overshoot, Frequency, Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, Positive Width, Negative Width, Duty Cycle |
Cursors Measurement | Horizontal ,Vertical, Track, Auto Measure Modes |
Waveform Signal Process | +,- , x,÷, FFT, Invert |
Voltage Range | 10mV to 5V/div @ x 1 probe; 100mV to 50V/div @ x 10 probe; 1V to 500V/div @ x 100 probe; 10V to 5000V/div @ x 1000 probe; 100V to 50000V/div @ x 10000 probe; 200mV to 100V/div @ 20:1 |
Current Range | CC65(20A),CC65(60A),CC650,CC1100 |
FFT | Rectangular,Hanning,Hamming,Blackman Window |
Math | Adition,subtraction,multiplication,division |
Gennral Feature | |
Interface | USB 2.0(Lan Optional) |
Power Source | 8--36V Wide range of input voltage |
Volume | 490 x 165 x 410 (mm) |
Weight | - |
Packing Case | Aluminum case |
Auto Test Cable |
1 |
Auto High-Pressure Ignition Probe |
1 |
20:1 Attenuator |
1 |
Large Dolphin/Gator Clip |
1 |
Multimeter Probe |
1 |
Acupuncture Probe Set | 1 |
Dolphin/Gator Clip Cable |
1 |
Break Out Leads | 1 |
Coil-on-Plug Extension Cord (with earth cord) |
1 |
Auto Power Adapter | 1 |
CC65 Current Clamp | 1 |